
We pride ourselves in being able to find made-to-measure candidates for jobs in a way that’s never been done before - saving employers weeks of hassle

Man Using Calculator on Phone for Bills

The cost of hiring a new employee: we do the sums

DATE: 26th April 2019


Have you ever stopped to calculate the cost of hiring a new employee? Probably not, which is why we've done the sums for you. We’re betting the answer will come as a surprise. It certainly ... READ MORE
Laptop Screen Shining on Keyboard at Night

Cheating in employment tests: rule it out with TFP

DATE: 26th April 2019


So you've heard the buzz about testing in recruitment, but you’re concerned about the level of cheating in employment tests. We’ve been where you are, and we get it. Sometimes the process of hiring new ... READ MORE
Business Handshake In Office Meeting

How to hire the right person: advice from an employer

DATE: 26th April 2019


How to hire the right person is a burning question for everyone in business. It’s an especially acute issue for small and medium enterprises like yours, who need to make every decision count. Hasib Howlader, ... READ MORE
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