
We pride ourselves in being able to find made-to-measure candidates for jobs in a way that’s never been done before - saving employers weeks of hassle

White Ceramic Piggy Bank on Blue Background

Sunk cost thinking and recruitment: the deadly duo limiting your team’s performance

DATE: 26th April 2019


Sunk cost thinking and recruitment are a terrible combination. Ever hired someone you weren't 100% happy with, but weren't sure what to do next? You were probably in the grip of sunk cost thinking. Let ... READ MORE
Inquisitive Young Boy at Bottom of Stairs

Challenges in recruitment and selection faced by SMEs today (and how to solve them)

DATE: 26th April 2019


As the owner of a small or medium enterprise, you've probably experienced your fair share of challenges in recruitment and selection. No wonder more than a third of businesspeople in your position identify recruitment as ... READ MORE
data has a better idea quote on neon light

Algorithms and decision making for your business

DATE: 26th April 2019


Algorithms and decision making are at the bleeding edge of business research today, and with good reason. More and more, scientists are beginning to realise how much our thinking is affected by unconscious psychological factors. ... READ MORE
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